
If you receive 金融援助, be sure to check with the 金融援助 Office before making any changes to your schedule.  Contact the 金融援助 Office at 706.771.4149.



Schedule changes prior to the first day of the semester:

Schedule changes during the add/drop period (First 3 business days of the semester):

  • Schedule changes should be completed online via SmartWeb
    • SmartWeb.
    • Click BannerWeb in the green menu bar or the yellow tab on the right side of the page and log in.
    • 选择学生服务 & 金融援助
    • 选择世界杯app软件推荐
    • 单击添加/删除类
    • Verify mailing address and phone number and click Continue with registration
    • On the 金融援助 Authorization page, click Continue with registration
    • 选择合适的术语
    • 点击类搜索
    • Click Advanced 搜索 to search for classes
    • Click your subject, type in course number (optional), and select your desired campus/location
    • Click Section 搜索 to view list of courses
    • Look for classes with available space, and to select the class(es) you want
    • Click the checkbox beside the class(es) you want to register for
    • 点击世界杯app软件推荐
    • Repeat these steps for each course
  • 学生 unable to add/drop courses online
    • Visit the add/drop lab on the 奥古斯塔 campus in the 1300 building
    • 工作时间:上午八点半至下午四点半

Schedule changes after the 3rd business day of the semester:

  • 弃课
    • SmartWeb.
    • Click BannerWeb on the green menu bar or the yellow tab on the right side of the page and log in.
    • 选择学生服务 & 金融援助
    • 选择世界杯app软件推荐
    • 单击添加/删除类
    • Verify mailing address and phone number and click Continue with registration
    • On the 金融援助 Authorization page, click Continue with registration
    • 选择合适的术语
    • Scroll down to your current schedule and click on the action box next to the course you want to drop
    • 选择Drop After 3rd Day
    • Click Submit Changes at the bottom of the page
  • 添加课程

日程变更表 信息:

  • Completion of this form is required after the third instructional/business day of the term in the following situations:
    • 添加课程
    • Section changes (Keeping the same course subject and number, but changing the day and/or time you attend it)
    • Dropping a co-requisite course (This applies to courses with BIOL and PHYS courses only)
      • Example: dropping BIOL 2113, but remaining enrolled in BIOL 2113L
      • All other co-requisite courses will require that you drop the lecture and lab at the same time online